Thursday, September 16, 2010

Salam Eidulfitri

Salam Eidulfitri to all....

Today is the 7th day of Hari Raya...I think it's not to late to wish "SELAMAT HARI RAYA & MAAF ZAHIR BATIN" to everyone who know me especially my family and dear friends....

Sambutan hari raya tahun ni...agak meriah ( I think )... All my siblings were home except for my eldest sister but still managed to come home on the 2nd day of raya with my closest cousin from Johor Bahru. On the 1st day of raya, we had ketupat, rendang, nasi impit, nasi dagang and the rest of hari raya's food...memang meriah ngn makanan di rumah....Besides that, we also prepared Laksa Kuala Perlis for visitors to come to our house...
It was quite a day on the 1st hari raya with all the children running, screaming, crying and all...Gosh I've already miss them all so much....

Second day, we had nasi secret's recipe..hehe...Sedapppp..yummy..yummy.. (^_^) I love it very much mak.. Then, saat yg paling best....was having BBQ party with the whole family that nite.... It wuz tiring but fun and we all had a good time and laugh.....  

Semua ni akan jadi memory terindah dalam ingtan saya dan keluarga...moga-moga tahun hadapan kami masih dapat berkumpul dan bersama lagi... To all of you out there have a blast Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin...
God bless...mmuuaahhh... *wink

xoxo - aj



Assalamualaikum dearies...  Ramadhan mubarak....  Mesti semua dah terfikir-fikir "macam mana laa sambutan raya aku tahun ni kan...?...