Dear blog..
Tonite, I wuz called to write here for 'u noe wut reasons'..make sense..??of cos not..
Well,I guess it doesn't kill my time at all...cuz I felt like I wanna talk..but there's nobody to talk to..thank god there's a space for me to spill things out...
For what is worth..this empty and silence room witnessed how bored I am....cuz I'm attending an English Course at ILHAM Jawi...and for some reasons I'm selected by MARA as a representative from IKMSP..and I end up being all by self throughout this course..
I'm not used to walk alone...talk alone..drive alone..and sleep alone 'ere...so somehow it makes me wonder, "Am I so dependent on others?" Hmm...the answer is MAYBE...!!
sUCK It Up aNiS...!!
Nyway...tomorow is the last day here...and I'm going back to my hometown...Recently, got a sudden news from mom..."Dad had juz had a mild stroke..and there's more symptoms of stroke.." the rush of adrenalin gets me and scared da hell out of me...yesterday,mom told dat my dad had gone trough brain scanning..and it is confirm dat there's a slight sign of stroke..and now he has to take medicines...there's notin I can do accept to pray for his health..
As crap as it is...I juz wanna leave things at there...Mybe when my consensus is back, then I'll continue writing..or maybe I'll be back whenever I'm depress..haha..dat will do.....adios blog..
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